Proxy Switcher allows you to modify your proxy settings easily from the toolbar panel. Toolbar icon indicates the current type of proxy your browser currently using (No Proxy Mode, Auto-detect Proxy Mode, Manual Mode, and PAC Script Mode). The extension is designed such that no resource is used while the panel is closed.

Squid is a full-featured web proxy server application which provides proxy services for all the popular network protocols. It scales from the simple user to enterprise level networks while providing extensive, granular access control mechanisms and monitoring of critical parameters. Host multiple websites with HTTPS on a single server | by Jul 19, 2017 networking - Can you use multiple proxies at once in java However, reading about java proxy settings through stackexchange, I see that when you set a proxy, its effect is VM-wide, meaning whatever network activity that .jar was doing, it will do it through a proxy if somewhere a different thread sets a proxy setting within the jar. How to set up an outbound VPC proxy with domain Jun 27, 2019

Add many proxy addresses to a single mailbox or PF

Aug 24, 2018

API Product With Multiple Proxy and Limited Resource. Hello Team, I have two proxies: Contacts and Investors. with the endpoints /metadata, /refdata, /{externaId}/accounts in both of them. I want to create a product which gives access to all the endpoints within the proxy contacts and only /metadata endpoint access in the Investors proxy.

Jul 19, 2017 networking - Can you use multiple proxies at once in java However, reading about java proxy settings through stackexchange, I see that when you set a proxy, its effect is VM-wide, meaning whatever network activity that .jar was doing, it will do it through a proxy if somewhere a different thread sets a proxy setting within the jar.