This might be a better route if you have hosts with differing sudoers files. Templates are great until you have files with different configs. Just search to see if the line exists, if it doesn't - add it. Example adding wheel - lineinfile: path: /etc/sudoers state: present regexp: '^%wheel\s' line: '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'

sudo - Sudoers file editing - Ask Ubuntu 2020-4-23 · If you use visudo, a validation of the file is done before you are returned to shell, allowing many bad typos or errors to be caught and allow them to be fixed (ie. you are returned to editor).This prevents the user being unable to use sudo to correct those errors (ie. used sudo vi in a latter command) if they are later detected. I usually used sudo vi myself, but am sure to have an escape Ubuntu Manpage: visudo — edit the sudoers file Provided by: sudo_1.8.23-2ubuntu1_amd64 NAME visudo — edit the sudoers file SYNOPSIS visudo [-chqsV] [-f sudoers] DESCRIPTION visudo edits the sudoers file in a safe fashion, analogous to vipw(8). visudo locks the sudoers file against multiple simultaneous edits, provides basic sanity checks, and checks for parse errors. If the sudoers file is currently being edited you will receive a Ubuntu Manpage: visudo — edit the sudoers file

To modify sudoers file, the command visudo should be used because it reads the sudoers file for errors before saving it. However, ‘nano’, and ‘vi’ can be used (But they must be ran as root). I will be using visudo for this guide because it has protections built-in that (at least) make it harder for you to incorrectly edit Sudoers.

sudo - Edit the /etc/sudoers file to provide permission to 2020-6-2 · I need to edit the /etc/sudoers file using the command: sudo gedit /etc/sudoers and add the below: jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL Post adding and trying to save I am getting the error: (g

15 hours ago · However, be sure to always edit the / etc / sudoers file using the visudo command, as it provides the safest way of editing this file. The visudo command creates a temporary copy of the / etc / sudoers file, where you can add sudo-related tasks. After that, the file is checked and validated for syntax.

Never edit the sudoers file in a normal text editor. This can lead to simultaneous editing and corrupted files, potentially denying any admin access. Sudoers must …